New jobs in KPK 2023 || All KPK jobs for disabled, Minorities, and women, apply
This post is related KPK new jobs for publishing in the newspaper. published on today over blog site. I hope this blog post helps fulfill your career. They are helpful to KPK's public service job. and you can find the latest job. you can easily access and update daily basis from government departments jobs.
To latest job in KPK
84 jobs posts (73 fresh and 11 left over ) of civil judges cum judicial magistrates / in Peshawar high court Peshawar.ALLOCATION OF POSTS;
1. General Quota male and female. in this position zone and merit .merit position total 11, zone 1 position total 07, zone 2 total position 09, zone 3 total position 07, zone 4 total position 07 and zone5 total position 06, zone 6 position;06 in this all position you can apply your zone Quota.Disable Quota.
disable person 5 person man and women disable apply the total position 05.The women Quota
in this position, women's quota is a total of 09 positions.Minority Quota
This civil judges minority quota total position male and female 17.Qualification.
candidate should possess a degree in law from a recognized university here to practice in the profession of law and other qualifications in addition.this curt jobs ad is published in the newspaper and is replicated here.
new jobs in KPK 2023 all positions in this ad you apply for and the age limit added in the paper ad you can see add and you can apply to the KPK public service site.