Today's Sunday jobs paper Publise some advertisements on our pageThis job is a government job for all Balochistan job seekers. The employment is published in a leading Pakistani newspaper. Sunday jobs paper publish to facilitate job seeker candidates for Balochistan Pakistan. Today Sunday job paper published Two government job ads & detail one by one job posts.Foremost government job ads detail
This job is under the director general of health in Balochistan Qoita. The health department fills the post in 01 to 14 grate in Sewale Hospital. The department requires suitable candidate in district Khuzdear & invite application to the locale candidate.Last date for submitting the application
The last date for submitting the application is 20 June 2023/ the candidate submits a job application in district Nazem Khusdear Helth & doesn't reserve an application end of the last date.The flowing job post is below.
*... Assistant computer updater Bps 12/TOTAL VACANCIES is 02 required education is FA/FSC/ ICS/WITH one year's computer course.
*.... store in charge Bps 11/ total job post is 02 and qualification require BA/BSC/ & require store experience.
*... liberty Teacnetion Assistant BPS 11/ total post 03/ & candidate qualification is matric pass and pass the examination in library assistant.
* .. store keeper bps 11 total jobs 02 /candidate matric pass and experience in store.
*sub engineer/ total jobs 02 and candidate pass sub engineer exam.
*... liberty Teacnetion bps 09/total jobs is 01 & matric pass & pass liberty teacntion .
* transport supervisor bps 08 & total jobs is 03 /candidate matric pass and experience in transport.
Eilctration Bps 08 total post 01 and candidate pass matric & one year's training in government Insitute
Record keeper total post 02. The requirement for education is a matric pass & must experience in record keeping.
Caretaker total jobs & candidate matric pass needed in this position.
*.... driver job/bps 04/total jobs 03 candidates middle pss and driver license must.
Gearnater job/total post is 01 & the candidate is middle pass and must have experience in a relevant field.Security grade total jobs 02 &candate must require physical fit.
Grade /mali/nape Quside/these all jobs total 02 & require physical fit. These all jobs location in Balochistan. The candidate before applying must read the job ads below.

term& conditions/
The candidate's age limit is 18-43 years & Government servant transmitted the application form to NOC.the candidate must taste the certificate and submit it & all educational certificates and experience certificates require at the interview time.
Second advert on below
This Ads Publis in Pakistan newspapers and the Sunday Job Paper publish for job seekers candidate .the Sunday job paper is required for job ads for those articles published for the public health engineering department. This department invites applications for suitable candidates & these jobs are contract basis & after the last date don't require applications. Submit an application the last date is 18-07 2023.All job details in the ads .canidate must read and then submit an application.