JOB Description
The latest job post in Islamabad & all jobs published for citizens of Pakistan. The appointment is for both male & female candidates. the job is published in a leading Pakistani newspaper & Sunday jobs paper published on a page for job seekers. today Sunday Jobs Paper published two job ads. The first one is the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination. The Islamabad job advertisement in Ausaf newspaper announces.
NO. 01. Federal government job in Islamabad FOllowng job post namenew applications are invited from eligible candidate criteria mentioned against the following position in the project & The project title is Federal Government College of Home Economics Sciences & Specialized Discipline F- 11/1 this job position is looked in Ministry Education & Federal Training Islamabad. the post is probably on a contract basis. the contract is 1 year & project base.
*.. lecturer total job post available is 04 &merit basis. the qualification mentioned in the paper ads below. *Lab assistant total job post is 02 & this job is merit basis. age limit is 33 years.* Driver requires post is 02 these job is merit basis.*lab attended *security Guards*nab Qasids*bus condecter*Mali*Santary Worker* these all job local basis & age limit & qualification require all detailed mention in job ads.candidate must read before applying.
Read more kpk police job
Candidates apply within 15 days after publishing ads & submit an application at Ministry only shortlists candidates. other detail mention in sunday jobs paper page ads.
NO.2 The following post name.
1..... stenotypist bps 14 & total post is 01 & age l;limit is 18-25 qualification require intermedia & typing speed 40 to80
2... technician bps 12 Total job 01 candidate qualification is FSC & relative filed diploma & one-year experience
3...Technician (ENT/IT) total job post 1 & require education is DFSC/& one eyers diploma.
4.....Technician pharmacy bps 12 & total job post is 02 candidate must be FSC/& pharmacy diploma one eyer.
5.... junior ( L H W) Total job post is 02 & need qualification is FSC/ and diploma in the technician.
6....junior technician (Readaloge) bps 09 & total job post is 03 & candidate qualification is matric.
07.... junier tecnition (ECG) total post is 02 and qulification is matric pass.
08... junior technician (I co)total job 01 & candidate matric pass and diploma older.
junior traction (Phermasi ) total job is 12 candidate qualification is matric pass.
other jobs reading in newspaper ads in below 👇all qualifications and age limits & job numbers in mention in the ads.

age relaxation is under the government's role & government servant candidates apply with department NOC.2% disabled persons/5% minority. only suitable candidates call for the interview.
The second newspaper ad is published in the Islamabad Police Academy. the Islamabad police academy requires suite able candidates the apply for the best qualification candidate.
the name of the following job post 1... Assistant bps 15 requires education to be graduated in accounts & the total job post is 01.
2...stenotypist bps 14 total job post is 11 /require qualification is intermediate and typing speed is 40/80.
3... UDC/ BPS 11 AND REQUIRE EDUCATION IS intermediate. LDC/ matric pass requires and typing speed of 30 words per second.
4 dispatch reader/driver/ mali/ NIPE QASED AND other job details mentioned in ads. the candidate must read and then apply.

age relaxation is under the government's role & government servant candidates apply with department NOC.2% disabled persons/5% minority. only suitable candidates call for the interview.
The second newspaper ad is published in the Islamabad Police Academy. the Islamabad police academy requires suite able candidates the apply for the best qualification candidate.
the name of the following job post 1... Assistant bps 15 requires education to be graduated in accounts & the total job post is 01.
2...stenotypist bps 14 total job post is 11 /require qualification is intermediate and typing speed is 40/80.
3... UDC/ BPS 11 AND REQUIRE EDUCATION IS intermediate. LDC/ matric pass requires and typing speed of 30 words per second.
4 dispatch reader/driver/ mali/ NIPE QASED AND other job details mentioned in ads. the candidate must read and then apply.

The newspaper ads by published in newspapers and provided by sundy jobs papers and collected from Pakistan's top newspapers. Our aim is to get job seekers to provide.
and these ads are done as a public service in good faith I am not responsible for any incorrect, misrepresenting, or misleading advertisement.