jobs Description
Applications from Pakistani Nationals are invited to fill the following vacancies in the Ministry of Defense Production, Pak Sectt - II, Adam Jee Road, Rawalpindi.Name of Vacancies/No.Post/BPS
1. Assistant (bps)15/the total vacancies is five and Punjab 03/pk/01/ AJ&K 01. The candidate's age is 18-28. i) The scan date is Graduate Eligibility Criteria
i) 06 weeks Basic IT Training course (including MS Office) conducted by NITB is mandatory for initial appointment after selection and before completion of the probation period.
The job position requires a candidate from Panjab and the candidate's total position is 01. Eligibility Criteria is Primary Pass and Knowledge of operating duplicating machines is essential.NAIB QASID (BPS-01) THIS JOB POST IS LOCAL BASIS FILL. The candidate's age is 18-28 and education is primary pass.
Term and condition
Interested candidates against the vacancies at S.No. 1 (Assistant) can apply online by registering themselves on within 15 days after publishing of this advertisement.2. In case of any difficulty during the online registration, please visit or visit HEC Secretariat/HEC regional offices or contact the HEC Helpline 051-111-119-432, 0334-111-9432 for guidance.
3. Applications received in hard form for S.No. 1 (Assistant) shall not be entertained.
4. Applications for S.No. 2 and 3 shall be submitted to the undersigned directly in a hard form clearly mentioning the qualification,
5. The candidates must be sure before the test / he/her eligible in all respects for the post, applied for.
6. Test Fee of Rs. 1500/- is to be deposited via 1Link 1Bill Invoice.
7. Download bank Fee Challan while registering for the test at
8. The test fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
9. Candidates already in government service must apply through proper channels failing which they will not be considered for recruitment.
10. Maximum age limits shall be relatable for five years in all cases, in addition to the age relaxation admissible under "Initial Appointment to Civil Posts (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1993".
11. The quota reserved for the disabled will be adhered to according to the Government's instructions. The candidates who desire to apply against disabled the quota must specify the same in his/her application. The Candidate who applied against the disability quota should provide a disability certificate issued by the Council on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Human Rights Division.
Application submitted in Muhammad Atiq ur Rahman Section Officer (Admin)Ministry of Defense Production Pak. Sectt-II, Adam Jee Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.