Health Department Description
AJK Health Department requires an Application for Postgraduate Training in a Teaching Hospital. The health department invites applications from National Medical Graduates for postgraduate training in the disciplines mentioned below.
Hospitals /Department /no of Slots
Divisional Headquarters & Teaching Hospital Mirpur
General Medicine 04/General Surgery 02 /Gymie & Obs o1/Peads o1 /ENT /01
SKBZ/CMH Muzatfarabad | General Medicine 01/Prats 03/Gynae & Obs 05/Radiology 01
Orthopedic 03 /Psychiatry 02.
SKBZ/CMH Rawalakot General Medicine 05/General Surgery 03/Eye (MCPS) o1/Gynae & Odds 03.
4) AlMS Muzattarabad ‘General Medicine 03 General Surgery 01 /Microbiology 3/ Gymme & Obs 4/ Peacs 03.
Training Pool DG Heath office — | Anesthesia 01/ Interventional Cardobogy 01/Neuro Surgery 01/Oncology 01.
SKBZ/CMH Muzatfarabad | General Medicine 01/Prats 03/Gynae & Obs 05/Radiology 01
Orthopedic 03 /Psychiatry 02.
SKBZ/CMH Rawalakot General Medicine 05/General Surgery 03/Eye (MCPS) o1/Gynae & Odds 03.
4) AlMS Muzattarabad ‘General Medicine 03 General Surgery 01 /Microbiology 3/ Gymme & Obs 4/ Peacs 03.
Training Pool DG Heath office — | Anesthesia 01/ Interventional Cardobogy 01/Neuro Surgery 01/Oncology 01.
How to apply to Health Department AJK?
The Interested candidates must submit the duly filed application form along with attested photocopies of documents required documents not later than 22* December 2023 at the address of Director General Health AJK Office D-Block New District Complex Old Secretariat ‘Muzaffarabad AIK.
Must Required Documents. Both sides of the CNIC / Domicile Certificate /MBBS Degree and Detailed Marks Sheets of all Professional certificates issued by the University/Colleges showing marks obtained, total marks, and attempts (number of attempts not mentioned in DMC)
House Job Certificate is the Valid PM8DC Registration Certificate (CPSP/University Part-1 ResultCard
Job Experience Certificate in Govt. Public Sector only at the Primary level and secondary level duly signed by concerned DHO/MS as the case may be. (No credit will be given for Tertiary Care Hospital Teaching Hospital experience in and outside AJBK.
the Appointment notification order along with the experience certificate and University Certificate showing distinction in every subject of the university examination.
The Published papers (up to 05 papers) in only HEC/PM8&DC approved journals. (ist of the approved journal available on the PMOCIHEC website) The Foreign Graduates must also submit a copy of the PMB&DC equivalence Examination Result Card For PG Slots outside AJK (Interventional Cardiology must submit FOPS Cardiology qualified certificate as per CPSP mandatory requirement. Candidates selected for PG stots outside AJK will be responsible for submitting a willing letter/acceptance letter from the supervisor and head of the Training Institution. Upon receiving the acceptance letter and Joining report, their stipend will be released. In case of the non-availability of candidates for FCPS-in Anesthesia, candidates for MCPS-in Anesthesia will be considered. Training while restricted to AJK State Subject holders only and Candidate must mention contact details, choice of specialty where applicable (1%, 2%, 3°), and choice of institution (18° 2° & 3° if applicable) In the application. Choices once exercised will not be changed afterward. I choice {is not mentioned then the decision will be placed at the discretion of the training committee PGSlots/seats will be found purely on a merit basis, and the Candidate must clearly mention total marks & marks obtained in the professional exams of MBBS/ equivalent along with percentage and attempts. The applicants of Public Sector Medical Colleges will be credited (5 marks. No marks will be given to applicants of Private Sector Medical Colleges/Sel! finance as well as students from abroad.mDoH Adhoe/ contract employees are encouraged to apply through proper channels (covering letter from respective DHO/MS/ Commandant.
The pre-requisite qualification/experience missing for any specialty not mentioned in this advertisement will be decided as per the CPSP mandatory requirement.
The forgery/tempering in any document of applicants I found/noticed during the selection process with renter selectee disqualified for training besides criminal proceedings.
Those applicants working on an Achoc/Contract basis should bring written recommendations/ NoC of heads of their institutes and these will resign quit the Jobunder rules ft selected.
The permanent employees of the Health Department will apply through the proper channel
The PG Trainee will submit an affidavit undertaking to abide by hospital rules and regulations and will not participate in any Kind of activities that are against the norms of the institutes. It found that his/her training may be terminated without prior notice,
The candidates selected against PG slots outside AjK shall be bound to serve in the department of Heath AJ&K for 5 years after completion of training (Surety bond & original Academic documents shall be submitted in Directorate General Heath AIK as surety)
The slots mentioned in this Advertisement can be increased or decreased, without
or notice
The application form can be downloaded from the link htps:/health.ajk go. pk /can also be obtained from the gazetted section office of the Director General Health AIK Office, D-Block, New District Complex, Old Secretariat Muzaffarabad.
The applications received after the due date or incomplete shall not be entertained. before applying read the job ad below.

Must Required Documents. Both sides of the CNIC / Domicile Certificate /MBBS Degree and Detailed Marks Sheets of all Professional certificates issued by the University/Colleges showing marks obtained, total marks, and attempts (number of attempts not mentioned in DMC)
House Job Certificate is the Valid PM8DC Registration Certificate (CPSP/University Part-1 ResultCard
Job Experience Certificate in Govt. Public Sector only at the Primary level and secondary level duly signed by concerned DHO/MS as the case may be. (No credit will be given for Tertiary Care Hospital Teaching Hospital experience in and outside AJBK.
the Appointment notification order along with the experience certificate and University Certificate showing distinction in every subject of the university examination.
The Published papers (up to 05 papers) in only HEC/PM8&DC approved journals. (ist of the approved journal available on the PMOCIHEC website) The Foreign Graduates must also submit a copy of the PMB&DC equivalence Examination Result Card For PG Slots outside AJK (Interventional Cardiology must submit FOPS Cardiology qualified certificate as per CPSP mandatory requirement. Candidates selected for PG stots outside AJK will be responsible for submitting a willing letter/acceptance letter from the supervisor and head of the Training Institution. Upon receiving the acceptance letter and Joining report, their stipend will be released. In case of the non-availability of candidates for FCPS-in Anesthesia, candidates for MCPS-in Anesthesia will be considered. Training while restricted to AJK State Subject holders only and Candidate must mention contact details, choice of specialty where applicable (1%, 2%, 3°), and choice of institution (18° 2° & 3° if applicable) In the application. Choices once exercised will not be changed afterward. I choice {is not mentioned then the decision will be placed at the discretion of the training committee PGSlots/seats will be found purely on a merit basis, and the Candidate must clearly mention total marks & marks obtained in the professional exams of MBBS/ equivalent along with percentage and attempts. The applicants of Public Sector Medical Colleges will be credited (5 marks. No marks will be given to applicants of Private Sector Medical Colleges/Sel! finance as well as students from abroad.mDoH Adhoe/ contract employees are encouraged to apply through proper channels (covering letter from respective DHO/MS/ Commandant.
The pre-requisite qualification/experience missing for any specialty not mentioned in this advertisement will be decided as per the CPSP mandatory requirement.
The forgery/tempering in any document of applicants I found/noticed during the selection process with renter selectee disqualified for training besides criminal proceedings.
Those applicants working on an Achoc/Contract basis should bring written recommendations/ NoC of heads of their institutes and these will resign quit the Jobunder rules ft selected.
The permanent employees of the Health Department will apply through the proper channel
The PG Trainee will submit an affidavit undertaking to abide by hospital rules and regulations and will not participate in any Kind of activities that are against the norms of the institutes. It found that his/her training may be terminated without prior notice,
The candidates selected against PG slots outside AjK shall be bound to serve in the department of Heath AJ&K for 5 years after completion of training (Surety bond & original Academic documents shall be submitted in Directorate General Heath AIK as surety)
The slots mentioned in this Advertisement can be increased or decreased, without
or notice
The application form can be downloaded from the link htps:/health.ajk go. pk /can also be obtained from the gazetted section office of the Director General Health AIK Office, D-Block, New District Complex, Old Secretariat Muzaffarabad.
The applications received after the due date or incomplete shall not be entertained. before applying read the job ad below.