Job No. 1 In Pakistan ARMY Job Description
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NO 2 Pakistan Army job ad is below.
The Pakistan Army requires a Junior Commissioned Officer (Nursing Assistant) in the Pakistan Army and the Army Applications are invited from eligible and suitable fit candidates for the recruitment of Junior Commissioned Officer.The necessary documents.
Pakistan Army Require Junior Commissioned Officers (Nab Khatib) Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, Married and Unmarried Muslim men. The Pakistan Army requirement job post is The nursing Assistant, and Supay and Driver Supay. the candidate is a national of Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, and GilgitBaltistan, the required candidate is Married and Unmarried.
Qualification for nursing Assistant, and Supay and Driver Supay, Junior Commissioned, Officers, Nab Khatib.
1. Original certificate of your national identity card.2. A photocopy of your father's National Identity Card. 3 your national identity card.
4. A photocopy of your father's National Identity Card.
5. Domicile and domicile certificate (for candidates from Azad Kashmir).6.all doucomant attasted for officcer and four Photo for candate.
Junior Commissioned Officers Age Limit in Pakistan Army
the candidate is Not less than 20 years and not more than 28 years of age as of 20th May 2024 and not less than an upper in 28 years and height is 5fit 3 inches.For those who are already serving in the military The age limit for them should not be less than 22 to 35 years and cold less than 1 year and not more than 16 years. Relaxation of up to one year in the upper age limit for candidates who are graduates or above,
The Nursing Assistant Soldier and Driver Soldier Age limit in the Pakistan Army
the age limit is 10 May 2024 from 17 and a half years to 23 years for the next of kin of those martyred during the war. In addition to the authorized and serving military personnel. There is also a discount for children. There is a relaxation of up to 2 years in the upper age limit for people with drive-to-self (L) for Iranian soldiers. Also, the person who has a valid license will be given an apology. Color Distant Arai, Pai 5.16 cm (167.5 cm) Kirk and narrow 35 cm (160 cm).
(182.5 cm) 67 (172.5 cm) 85 Sanitary worker 5 feet 13 cm 160) and age 17 and a half to 35 years.
Pakistan Army Requires Qualification
of the Junior Commissioned Officers Deputy Khatib The system of teaching from the religious madrassa which is certified by the Higher Education Commission. At least one FA/FSC or equivalent from any Board of Education of Pakistan. Proficiency in Arabic speaking, the Qur'an, and memorization of daily affairs will be imagined. Warfighter and Dry Reception Metric or higher. D. Intermediate or equivalent, at least above grade-tightness pass. Pre-School: FSC pre-medical Non-literates away from Ad Santeri (maximum primary education). candidate apply online on the Pakistan army website method of election in the Pakistan Army
the Junior Commissioned Officers, Deputy Khatib the Candidates for Commissioned Officers (Naib Khatib) can obtain their applications on the prescribed form from the Army Selection and other DADAT centers (Gilgit, Peshawar, DI Khan Muzaffarabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Kuband, Khuzdar, Tareen, Mano Qasimat, Hyderabad, and Karachi) from February 19, 2024, to May 9, 2024.Candidates for Nursing Assistant Sepoy and Driver Sepoy can register at from February 12, 2024, to May 9, 2024.
However, internet (online) registration is not mandatory for the solder; as per the nearest army selection, visit the Makarwant Mishra office from February 19, 2024, to May 9, 2024.
can be registered. It is a special place for minorities. For more details regarding the job incentives and selection procedure, please contact the nearest office of the Selection and Recruitment Authority.